Content Marketing SALES Maximizer

This one tool triples my content marketing results ...

... and I want to give it to you ... for free!

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Is Group Coaching Right For You?

Charlie Page
From Charlie Page
Can content marketing be the answer to your traffic and sales challenges?  I believe it can be and here's why.

Content marketing helped me build my business AND saved my business from destruction. 

In fact, content marketing is how I built my business in the first place. 

You see, when I started out I did not have a big marketing budget -- unless you consider ZERO big!

And I did not have a big reputation. Or an email list. 

Or much of anything else other than raw desire and a need to succeed online. 

If that sounds familiar, I have good news for you today.

First, let me share three very tangible ways that content marketing worked for me. 

  • Content marketing empowered me to go from being a member of the Directory of Ezines to buying the entire company in less than 18 months.
  • Content marketing took me from being completely unknown online to being interviewed by Jim Edwards, Yanik Silver, Alex Mandossian (and more) and asked to contribute to Robert G. Allen's book Multiple Streams Of Internet Income.
  • Content marketing empowered me to drive traffic without spending any money at all!
And when disaster struck (as it is striking even now) content marketing helped me weather the storm and rebuild.

Here are three brief examples.

  • Content marketing allowed me to rebuild my list when an autoresponder company had an "accident" and wiped out over 50,000 subscribers.
  • ​Content marketing empowered me to weather the 2008 financial meltdown without spending money to acquire new customers!
  • ​Content marketing caused my sales to stay steady when I had to be away to care for a family member who was ill.

Content marketing creates passive income

Early in my online career I realized that the Internet offered something no other platform could offer ...


To me automation means one thing ... FREEDOM! 

Time freedom because you can do the work once and profit from it many times. 

Financial freedom because you can automate your marketing systems so that they operate 24 hours a day without you being present. 

No offline business offers these amazing advantages.

But I also knew that I needed LEVERAGE in order to profit from the automation the Internet offered. 

Simply put, I needed a way to create content once and then be able to accomplish three goals that content. 

My goals were ...

  • Publish publicly in order to build my list and grow my authority.
  • Publish privately and reward the people on my email list with deeply helpful content to help them succeed.
  • Overdeliver to my paying customers by sharing literally everything I knew about how to make sales online.

What did content marketing 

actually do for me? 

When I step back and review our results, I'm both grateful and encouraged that anyone can do this.

  • Owner of over 45 membership sites, including still owning the Directory of Ezines.
  • Author of over 15 books about Internet marketing.
  • Serving over 24,000 paying customers.
  • Consulting with clients at all stages of their own success story. 
  • And best of all, free to work at home and enjoy my wonderful family!

Can YOU Do This Too?

Before I wrap up this letter, there is something you need to know.

Content marketing is NOT about being a great writer. 

I'm a high school graduate who wouldn't know a dangling participle if it walked in my front door and kissed me on the head!

Content marketing is not about spending a huge amount of money. 

In fact, you need almost no money at all to succeed with content marketing. 

Content marketing is a process. 

Learn the process and you will find the results you want from content marketing.

While I can't promise your results will be as dramatic as mine, or promise that you will make any money at all from content marketing (no one can do that) I can tell you this ...

Any person who is willing to make a reasonable effort and follow my proven plan can see results from content marketing.

So why isn't everyone succeeding with content marketing?

Simply because ...

99% of people are doing content marketing 

the wrong way!

It's true! 

You see, not only are most people doing content marketing the wrong way but they're actually sabotaging their own success!

Let me give you an example. 

What happens for most people, in my experience, is that they have a great idea for a piece of content. 

It might be a video, an article, a podcast episode, or something else. 

So they take the time to create it, spend even more time polishing it to make it "just right" and then they make their fatal mistake ...

... they publish it to their blog first and then stop.

You might say "But Charlie, you are the blogging guy! You build and host blogs for clients. Why are you saying it's a "fatal mistake". 

Here's why - notice the words "first" and "stop".

Your job as a content marketer is to publish FIRST to the place where the largest possible audience can be reached. 

That's what I did with the Directory of Ezines. 

Remember, there were no blogs back then. We didn't have a site!

So I joined the DOE and emailed every Ezine publisher I could and offered them my article. 

I was leveraging their hard work by simply writing an article and letting them run it in their ezine!

PLUS, once it ran in their Ezine I could legitimately say "as seen in ..."

BOOM ... social proof. Authority. All from ONE article!

So what's the moral of the story?

1. Publish to the largest audience possible first.

2. And then publish to your blog as well. 

Can you see how that ONE change can make a huge difference?

It's the difference between having a few hundred people see your content and having tens of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of visitors see your content. 

If you doubt those numbers just look at how much traffic generates. 

Yes, you read it right. That's 213 MILLION visitors a month!

Now think about this - posting on is free for you!

Even better, they have a way (also free) for you to pull your blog posts directly into their platform! 

And that my friend is how you do content marketing! 

Go to the biggest audiences first, make a specific offer in your content, and watch the sales roll it. 

This is why my process is the Content Marketing SALES Maximizer. 

My goal is to empower you to maximize your sales with content marketing. 

If you just want to be well-known or grow your list or find JV partners, that's okay with me and you will learn to do that too. 

But this Group Coaching is about SELLING with content. That's why it's called Content Marketing That Converts!

I started this letter with a question. Now I'll end it with the same question.

Is This Group Coaching 

Right For You?

If you have read this far I believe the answer is absolutely yes! 

If you agree and your answer is yes, use the button below to order now.

You will not only get the actionable teaching you need to take your content marketing to new heights but you will get a whale of a value to boot!

See you inside.

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