NEW! your Own membership site in one of the hOTTEST niches ever seen wITHOUT creating the content yourself!

I did the work so YOU can sell it and keep all the money!

What will you receive?




  • You can SELL access to the course to earn income or GIVE memberships away to build your list!

The Membership Funnels Include

  • A ONE TO ONE MEETING with Charlie to help you get started. 
  • ​A professional squeeze page
  •  A powerful lead magnet
  •  A sales letter (Written by Charlie Page)
  •  Professional course graphics
  •  A membership registration page
  •  A secure member area
  •  11 videos teaching how to get started on the Keto diet
  •  Written transcripts
  •  Member drip reminder email system (Written by Charlie)
  •  Follow up SELLING email system (Written by Charlie)
  •  Your ads inside the members area
  •   Support from Charlie
  • ​AND MORE!
  • 10 videos, all recorded by me personally.
  • Written intros to each video, written by me.
  • Written transcripts for each video.
  •  Completely white label - my name and company are never mentioned.
  • Includes a squeeze page, sales page, and upsell page.
  •  I host the videos for you free!
  • ​Includes follow up emails.
  •  INCLUDES secure members area.
  •  No hosting needed.
  •  No domain name needed.


We deliver this program through Clickfunnels only

I do NOT require you join Clickfunnels using my affiliate link (but I don't mind!) but you will need to be an active Clickfunnels member to use the site.

NOTE: Using Clickfunnels is EASY. I will help you.

The true "secret" to making sales and building your list is having a membership site of your own!

Now I'm Going To Hand You One Of Mine To Sell Or Give Away!

From Charlie Page

College Station Texas

Dear Friend,

For years now I have spoken one-to-one with members of my different membership websites. In fact, I've had over 3500 of these one-to-one calls!

I listened to their stories. I counseled them and coached them and gave them my best advice

And I have loved every minute of it!

Many of them became highly successful online entrepreneurs. In fact, some are names you would easily recognize. 

But others struggled

They struggled to find their focus, to make enough sales, or really break through to the level of success they so badly wanted.

I had to know WHAT made the difference

So I started paying careful attention ... looking for patterns. Patterns of success.

And I found them. 

Before I reveal the two common denominators to success found among my members, let me share this important insight ...

  • ​Having a big advertising budget did NOT make the difference.
  • ​Being a well-known expert did NOT make the difference.
  • ​Having sales experience did NOT make the difference.
  • ​Being good at technical things did NOT make the difference.

Two things made the difference ...

  •  Having a membership site of their own
  •  Building their mailing list
Time and time again I would see the pattern. 

The ones who were achieving success would be the ones who focused on building their mailing list and who had a membership site of their own to sell.

VERY INTERESTINGLY ... both groups were working hard

They were both committed to their success. 

They were trying with all of their might to make it online.

WHY Were These The Two "X" Factors 

To Their Success?

The answer was literally staring me in the mirror. 

You see, the secret to my own success was in fact that I own my own membership sites and focus on building my mailing list. 

The ones who succeeded (some went on to be giants in their industries) were consistently doing the same thing!

Here are four reasons why they succeeded while others continued to struggle.

  • Follow Up email marketing is proven to increase sales between 300% and 4000%! (yes, over $40 for every $1 spent!)

  • Keeping ALL of the selling price meant they could afford to buy more traffic AND keep some of the money for themselves!

  • Having affiliates sell for them meant they could get free traffic every day of the year! They only paid AFTER sales were made! And they build THEIR lists too!

  • Membership sites can create residual income which means you keep earning even after the sale is made!

But there was ONE problem!

building a membership site is HARD!

I'm not going to lie ... creating a profitable membership site is no easy thing

I should know, I have created over 45 of them in my own business. 

And I consult with clients every day on building and optimizing their membership sites for maximum profits. 

I'd go as far as saying this ... it is almost impossible for a person who is not already making a full time living online to create a membership site of their own.

Here are three reasons why that statement is true ...

  • TECHNOLOGY - There are SO many options to choose from and almost all of them require real technical skills. It took me years of testing the find the perfect fit.

  • VIDEO - Unless you know how to record and edit video before you start, the time involved to record and edit video can be overwhelming.

  • EXPERTISE - Even if you are a super-geek who loves to make video, you need real expertise in a niche that can be profitable to make this work.

owning a membership site changed 

my life forever!

If you don't know my story you might not know that I started out online as a paying member of the Directory of Ezines!

It's true. In 2000 I was so ill I had no choice but to work from home. And that meant using the Internet. 

I was doing affiliate marketing and selling my copywriting at the time.

One day I found this site called Directory of Ezines. It looked great and I could get a membership for only $39.95 for one year! 

The problem was ... we were broke! I mean seriously near the edge.

After much thought, I decided to take a chance and get the membership. 

When my wonderful wife got home, I told her the good news! 

Her reply? 

"We need that money for other things." 

She was right.

So I told her this ... "I promise I will make this work!"

Thank God, it did ...

A little less than 18 months later I bought the entire company!

Buying the company empowered the founder to retire. It was a dream she had for years.

I will never forget signing the papers and the feeling of optimism and hope that flooded our souls. 

In ONE TRANSACTION I went from being a non-owner to the OWNER of my own membership site. 

And the difference that made was staggering.

  • I could KEEP ALL THE MONEY from selling memberships for any price I wanted.

  •  I could recruit affiliates who would DRIVE TRAFFIC FOR ME. And I only paid them AFTER they made a sale!

  •  I could build MY mailing list instead of the list for the affiliate products I had been promoting.

  •  I could do joint ventures with other people because I was the owner.

  •  I was interviewed several times because I was now the owner of the Directory of Ezines.

  •  I was invited to contribute to a book by New York Times Bestselling author Robert G. Allen because I owned the Directory of Ezines

I walk the walk

I want you to know that owning the Directory of Ezines has not been a one time thing or some kind of fluke. 

In fact, I took what I learned (sometimes, the hard way) from owning the DOE and applied it to other areas where I had experience and interest. 

In fact, since that fateful day when I bought the DOE to today, I have created more than 45 new membership sites of my own! 

And I still keep creating them for my consulting clients!

I believe in membership sites for one very good reason ... they work! 

Membership Sites Work!

While selling any product online is good, membership sites are better. 

I've done "one and done" selling (where the customer pays once and is done) many times online. Having authored over a dozen books I can tell you that selling "one off" products can be profitable. 

But you must always be creating new products when you do it that way!

Compared to a membership site, creating digital products, selling eCommerce products, even consulting, is just too much work! 

Membership sites work to ...

  • Build your list.
  • Create passive income.
  •  Help you share your wisdom and experience.
  • Establish or enhance your EXPERT status.
  • Empower you to help more people.

Who uses membership sites now?

I am not exaggerating when I say that the list is far too long to publish here. 

So let's look at the biggest NICHES (and marketers) out there and see if there are any names you recognize. 

The "Big 3" niches are ...

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationships
Almost all niches can easily fit within one of those markets.

Now, who is succeeding in these niches?

Recognize any of these names?

  • ​Dr. Andrew Weil
  • ​Ryan Deiss
  • ​Jeff Walker
  • ​Tony Robbins
  • ​Dave Ramsey
  • ​Motley Fool
  • ​Stu McLaren
  • ​Frank Kern
  • ​Russell Brunson
  • ​Copyblogger
  • ​Jeff Johnson
  • ​Stu McLaren
  • ​Michael Hyatt
  • ​Blue Apron
  • ​Charlie Page :-)
  • ​Brendon Burchard
  • ​Alexis Meads
  • ​
  • ​Birchbox
  • ​eHarmony
  • ​Dollar Shave Club

Ready for some good news?

I have done the work of building a membership site FOR you!

I've chosen the niche, created the content, built the site, even written the sales letter FOR you so that you can skip the painful part and get right to the good part.

Making sales and building your list is where the money's at, not in building the site! 

You see, many people have an idea for a membership site but never get it off the ground. 

Some have even built the site itself but then get stuck on creating the content. 

Others just run out of time, money, and patience. 

And that's actually understandable! 

I can say that because, after having built over 45 membership sites, I can tell you that it's easy to get stuck in "development" and never make it to the profit stage!

But you won't suffer that fate because ...

you skip ALL of that when you order today!

here is what you will NOT need to do!

  •  Have the idea for the content
  •  Do the research to make sure the niche is profitable
  •  Write the content
  •  Record and edit the videos
  •  Create a name for the product
  •  Register a domain name
  •  Create a graphic to represent the product
  •  Pay to have the videos transcribed
  •  BUILD the actual membership site
  •  HOST the membership site
  •  Upload and host the videos on a service like Wistia
  •  Add the videos and transcripts to the membership area
  •  Create a secure members login page
You will not need to do ANY of this because I have done all the work for you!



EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in "get rich" programs. We DO believe in hard work, adding value, and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your personal brand. Our programs take work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" myth or ideology; we want to work with serious people dedicated to real professional development who want to add value and move humanity forward. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction; we give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavor. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. We feel transparency is important, and we hold ourselves (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That's why we also put our disclaimers on all our pages, why we give you our contact information for any questions, and why we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thanks for stopping by. We look forward to working with you!

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