personally review it when you are done)
are not sure HOW to get there?
1. d Make YOUR plan of action.
2. d Know HOW to put your plan to work.
3. d Stay on track as you work your plan.
Before we begin, let's talk about WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU.
To do that, allow me share the Six Real and Permanent Changes Roadmap provides for my current clients.
You being able to experience these outcomes are why I created the Roadmap course.
They happened for me and I want them to happen for you too!
These are what you can expect once you take the Roadmap course.
Notice the emphasis on your plan.
Not a copy of my plan. Not a "clone" of some guru's plan. Your plan.
Why the emphasis on your plan?
Because if it's not your plan you won't follow through.
The fact is, following someone else's plan will not create the same results for us it did for that that person.
Because it is ... not ... our ... plan.
To really "own" your plan (and for it to work) it must include five key elements.
These are key principles that work across all niches, personality types and levels of experience.
Leave one out and success will be elusive.
Include all five and your work will seem like play while you create a real online business that can sustain you for years.
If you want to know more, read the rest of this page.
If you know you need my help, order now.
And remember, I will review your plan personally and provide insights to help you stay on track.
Have you ever heard this? "Do what you love and the money will come!"
That is not entirely true ... and we both know it.
I love playing golf but at over 65 years old, there is no way I can make a living playing golf!
But I do love it.
What I CAN do is this ... I can easily find a way to make money around the topic of golf.
But not by playing golf.
And playing golf is my true passion.
I think the saying should be, "Find a topic you love and you can make money from that topic (or niche)."
Not as sexy, but certainly more accurate.
The goal of Roadmap is to help you discover HOW to make a living from the topics you love.
But Charlie, what if my only interest is making money?
Who says that making money online is not enough of an interest?
If your main interest is to make money online that is reason enough to get going today!
After all, we are all in business to make money, right?
What in the world does "your positioning" mean?
It means this - before you spend your time or money trying to establish an online business you need to decide what TYPE of business it will be.
And just as important as these questions is this mega question ...
Do you know what steps to take to achieve your dream and are you willing to do the work necessary for success?
Roadmap will help clarify each of these areas, and more.
Now that you know what you want to accomplish, it's time to decide how you will deliver what you will sell.
You see, even if you decide to be an affiliate marketer using a blog to promote, you will have to deliver content.
And if you decide you want to create your own product?
Then you need to know the best way to deliver that product without working 18 hour days.
There are important decisions to be made here, such as ...
By the time you finish Roadmap, and review your plan with me, you will know all this and more!
Once you know your Purpose, Positioning and Packaging, it's time to build your Platform.
Your Platform is exactly what it sounds like - the stage on which you stand to broadcast your message to the world.
For some, that is a blog.
For others, that is a podcast.
For still others, it is writing a book and putting it on Amazon for sale.
For many people it is a combination of those methods and more.
But how will you know which method is right for you?
After all, you can easily waste huge amounts of time learning these things only to discover they are not right for you!
How many times have you been told that you "need" to do one of these things?
Here's the problem.
These methods CAN work but can they work for you?
Will they work in YOUR niche, with YOUR personality, with YOUR technical skills, with YOUR amount of available time and energy?
It's all too easy for the "gurus" to say that you NEED to make videos (or have a podcast) without taking into consideration that MOST people do not want to be on camera!
What you need is to choose methods that work with YOUR plan and YOUR personality.
And Roadmap will help you do that. And I will help too with my personal review of your plan.
And now it's time for traffic. You will instantly notice that this step comes last.
That is by design.
You see, no one really has a traffic problem.
Google, Facebook and the other giants all have loads of traffic they are willing to share or sell.
What people have is a mismatch between traffic sources and what they are trying to accomplish.
Let me give you an example.
I am often asked "are solo ads the best way to promote?"
As the owner of the Directory of Ezines you might expect me to say "heck yes!"
But I don't do that.
Because solo ads are not right for some products. And they are right for others.
If you have an Amazon store, solo ads are a bad fit.
But if you have a health site, or a business opportunity, or are selling travel, solo ads are a good fit.
These just partial examples of the fact that traffic sources must be matched to your plan and your budget.
For every traffic source out there you will find good fits and bad fits.
And for every offer out there you will find traffic sources that work and traffic sources that just don't work for that offer.
The key is to choose the traffic source that fits YOUR niche and YOUR offer and ... and this is a big one ... YOUR budget.
Roadmap will help you do that.
And my personal review will help you choose the best of the best traffic sources while ignoring the "shiny objects" that land in your inbox.
You will receive Lifetime access to my entire Common Sense Success Roadmap Course.
You will also receive all updates and upgrades to the site as years go by.
After all, the world changes and our plans must be modified to fit what's working now.
In addition, you will get a thorough review of your plan by me. And I will do the review on video so you can rewatch it anytime you want.
In the past 20+ years I have gone from being in desperate straights to owning over 50 membership sites and being a well-respected authority in my field.
I say this not to brag but to say that well made plans that are well executed create real results.
Even for high-school graduates like me!
You will find the site easy to use.
In fact, here is what you will see when you log in.
Simple, straightforward modules that take you step-by-step through my proven process.
And remember the benefits to your soul (as well as your pocketbook) because they are incredibly important ...
You know how the marketing "gurus" tell you to never use the word "cost"?
Well I'm calling BS on that because everything we do in life has a cost.
To say otherwise would be denying reality. And you deserve better than some emotional manipulation.
When it came time to price this offer I had a choice to make.
1. Price it based on my time and the amount of effort that it took to create.
2. Price is so that everyone who wanted access could afford it.
Even though I love my customers, I wrestled with the decision.
After all, my time alone is worth $500 per hour and you get a personal VIDEO review (with follow up) from me. Not a staffer or an apprentice ... me personally.
So charging $297 or $197 would make this a no-brainer.
Even if you only wanted the review you are getting a $500 value.
But you will get SO much more value from Roadmap than even the review will provide.
So here is the cost.
Because I want everyone to be able to access this information I am offering Roadmap for a one-time fee of only $97.
But I'm not stopping there!
I'm throwing in my Timeline course at no extra charge.
Timeline actually sells for MORE than Roadmap does!
It's a $497 mega-course that helps you put your plan into action once it is finalized.
After all, the right timing is everything in life, and knowing when to do each part of your plan will help you succeed faster and have your success last longer.
What is in Timeline is exactly what has empowered me to make a full time living online for over 20 years.
So you get BOTH courses for a one time payment of only $97!
This will put the courses within anyone's reach, which means helping the most people possible.
A win-win.
$97 one time and you have access to Roadmap AND TIMELINE for life, including the updates and upgrades we do along the way.
And remember, that price DOES include my personal review of your plan.
I want to make sure you don't have ANY questions, so here is how the personal review works.
This is a proven process, one I have used with hundreds of private consulting clients such as ...
Bill Gaw - Traveled The World On Charlie's Copywriting ...
I started my online business in the year 2000, four years after I retired. Charlie wrote much of my Website content and ALL of my sales letters.
Much of our fantastic retirement can be traced to his help over many years.
The business was a success from day one and Charlie's early content is still making sales today.
Rebecca Marina - I Was Skeptical ...
Charlie made some suggestions and on the first go around, my open rate went up.
Then he suggested another tactic and again, I felt hesitant. I decided to JUMP IN AND TRUST!
Boy, am I glad I did! The response to Charlies suggestions has been outstanding.
And...he makes it so simple.
If you have a chance to work with Charlie, run as fast as you can to the checkout.
He backs up everything he offers with GENUINE concern for YOUR success. And...Charlie has the wisdom and years of experience to help you make your online dreams come true.
Mirna Bard - Focused Solely On Higher Conversions ...
My first webinar had over 600+ attendees thanks to the DOE! So I brought Charlie on as an adviser.
By focusing solely on higher conversions, Charlie reviewed the presentation slide by slide, patiently answered all my endless questions, and pointed out mistakes I did not see.
Charlie is extremely generous and knows his sales and marketing!
Lisa Lane Brown - ONE Idea Will 10X Our Growth!
Charlie Page has revolutionized my business and changed my life.
He brings together a brilliant strategic mind, an encyclopedic knowledge of internet marketing, copywriting genius, and technology know-how to create a consulting package that is unparalleled.
If you run your business without him, you do so at your own peril.
That will be up to you. Spending money buying "tools" or more courses are not required in what I teach. That said, and depending on YOUR goals and desires, doing things like buying traffic or establishing a blog might be a good option for you. But they will never be required.
No. Roadmap is about making a solid plan of action so you can stay on track to your goal. While you don't need a list to "do" the course, if you do have a list we will discuss how to leverage that to your advantage as part of your plan.
Of course. At anytime during the first 30 days of your membership you can request a refund if you feel Roadmap is not for you, even if you have had your plan reviewed by me! You are completely safe with this purchase.
That depends on how you take the course. If you "binge watch" the videos you can see them all in a couple of days. But I do not recommend that. I recommend taking about a week to do the course at a more thoughtful pace. But it's up to you!
Also, I recommend you complete Roadmap first and then move on to Timeline once you have taken action on the suggestions I make in the review of your plan.
It does not include ongoing mentoring. My consulting sells at $500 per hour and I always sell out. It does include my personal review of your plan and my notes and suggestions. Once you receive my review you can reply and ask questions about your plan and the review.
Roadmap is not a "make money now" product and I am not guaranteeing you will make any money as a member of Roadmap.
In my experience, the #1 thing that stops people from making money online is their desire to make money now without having a sound plan of action.
The result is they hop from one "opportunity" to another, never achieving success. Roadmap is designed to solve that problem by helping you create a plan you can follow while avoiding the distractions of the get rich quick crowd.
Use the courses for a full 30 days on me. If you are not completely satisfied just let me know and I will refund every penny you paid no questions asked, even if I have already reviewed your plan!
personally review it when you are done)
are not sure HOW to get there?
1. d Make YOUR plan of action.
2. d Know HOW to put your plan to work.
3. d Stay on track as you work your plan.
Before we begin, let's talk about WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU.
To do that, allow me share the Six Real and Permanent Changes Roadmap provides for my current clients.
You being able to experience these outcomes are why I created the Roadmap course.
They happened for me and I want them to happen for you too!
These are what you can expect once you take the Roadmap course.
Notice the emphasis on your plan.
Not a copy of my plan. Not a "clone" of some guru's plan. Your plan.
Why the emphasis on your plan?
Because if it's not your plan you won't follow through.
The fact is, following someone else's plan will not create the same results for us it did for that that person.
Because it is ... not ... our ... plan.
To really "own" your plan (and for it to work) it must include five key elements.
These are key principles that work across all niches, personality types and levels of experience.
Leave one out and success will be elusive.
Include all five and your work will seem like play while you create a real online business that can sustain you for years.
If you want to know more, read the rest of this page.
If you know you need my help, order now.
And remember, I will review your plan personally and provide insights to help you stay on track.
Have you ever heard this? "Do what you love and the money will come!"
That is not entirely true ... and we both know it.
I love playing golf but at over 65 years old, there is no way I can make a living playing golf!
But I do love it.
What I CAN do is this ... I can easily find a way to make money around the topic of golf.
But not by playing golf.
And playing golf is my true passion.
I think the saying should be, "Find a topic you love and you can make money from that topic (or niche)."
Not as sexy, but certainly more accurate.
The goal of Roadmap is to help you discover HOW to make a living from the topics you love.
But Charlie, what if my only interest is making money?
Who says that making money online is not enough of an interest?
If your main interest is to make money online that is reason enough to get going today!
After all, we are all in business to make money, right?
What in the world does "your positioning" mean?
It means this - before you spend your time or money trying to establish an online business you need to decide what TYPE of business it will be.
And just as important as these questions is this mega question ...
Do you know what steps to take to achieve your dream and are you willing to do the work necessary for success?
Roadmap will help clarify each of these areas, and more.
Now that you know what you want to accomplish, it's time to decide how you will deliver what you will sell.
You see, even if you decide to be an affiliate marketer using a blog to promote, you will have to deliver content.
And if you decide you want to create your own product?
Then you need to know the best way to deliver that product without working 18 hour days.
There are important decisions to be made here, such as ...
By the time you finish Roadmap, and review your plan with me, you will know all this and more!
Once you know your Purpose, Positioning and Packaging, it's time to build your Platform.
Your Platform is exactly what it sounds like - the stage on which you stand to broadcast your message to the world.
For some, that is a blog.
For others, that is a podcast.
For still others, it is writing a book and putting it on Amazon for sale.
For many people it is a combination of those methods and more.
But how will you know which method is right for you?
After all, you can easily waste huge amounts of time learning these things only to discover they are not right for you!
How many times have you been told that you "need" to do one of these things?
Here's the problem.
These methods CAN work but can they work for you?
Will they work in YOUR niche, with YOUR personality, with YOUR technical skills, with YOUR amount of available time and energy?
It's all too easy for the "gurus" to say that you NEED to make videos (or have a podcast) without taking into consideration that MOST people do not want to be on camera!
What you need is to choose methods that work with YOUR plan and YOUR personality.
And Roadmap will help you do that. And I will help too with my personal review of your plan.
And now it's time for traffic. You will instantly notice that this step comes last.
That is by design.
You see, no one really has a traffic problem.
Google, Facebook and the other giants all have loads of traffic they are willing to share or sell.
What people have is a mismatch between traffic sources and what they are trying to accomplish.
Let me give you an example.
I am often asked "are solo ads the best way to promote?"
As the owner of the Directory of Ezines you might expect me to say "heck yes!"
But I don't do that.
Because solo ads are not right for some products. And they are right for others.
If you have an Amazon store, solo ads are a bad fit.
But if you have a health site, or a business opportunity, or are selling travel, solo ads are a good fit.
These just partial examples of the fact that traffic sources must be matched to your plan and your budget.
For every traffic source out there you will find good fits and bad fits.
And for every offer out there you will find traffic sources that work and traffic sources that just don't work for that offer.
The key is to choose the traffic source that fits YOUR niche and YOUR offer and ... and this is a big one ... YOUR budget.
Roadmap will help you do that.
And my personal review will help you choose the best of the best traffic sources while ignoring the "shiny objects" that land in your inbox.
You will receive Lifetime access to my entire Common Sense Success Roadmap Course.
You will also receive all updates and upgrades to the site as years go by.
After all, the world changes and our plans must be modified to fit what's working now.
In addition, you will get a thorough review of your plan by me. And I will do the review on video so you can rewatch it anytime you want.
In the past 20+ years I have gone from being in desperate straights to owning over 50 membership sites and being a well-respected authority in my field.
I say this not to brag but to say that well made plans that are well executed create real results.
Even for high-school graduates like me!
You will find the site easy to use.
In fact, here is what you will see when you log in.
Simple, straightforward modules that take you step-by-step through my proven process.
And remember the benefits to your soul (as well as your pocketbook) because they are incredibly important ...
You know how the marketing "gurus" tell you to never use the word "cost"?
Well I'm calling BS on that because everything we do in life has a cost.
To say otherwise would be denying reality. And you deserve better than some emotional manipulation.
When it came time to price this offer I had a choice to make.
1. Price it based on my time and the amount of effort that it took to create.
2. Price is so that everyone who wanted access could afford it.
Even though I love my customers, I wrestled with the decision.
After all, my time alone is worth $500 per hour and you get a personal VIDEO review (with follow up) from me. Not a staffer or an apprentice ... me personally.
So charging $297 or $197 would make this a no-brainer.
Even if you only wanted the review you are getting a $500 value.
But you will get SO much more value from Roadmap than even the review will provide.
So here is the cost.
Because I want everyone to be able to access this information I am offering Roadmap for a one-time fee of only $97.
But I'm not stopping there!
I'm throwing in my Timeline course at no extra charge.
Timeline actually sells for MORE than Roadmap does!
It's a $497 mega-course that helps you put your plan into action once it is finalized.
After all, the right timing is everything in life, and knowing when to do each part of your plan will help you succeed faster and have your success last longer.
What is in Timeline is exactly what has empowered me to make a full time living online for over 20 years.
So you get BOTH courses for a one time payment of only $97!
This will put the courses within anyone's reach, which means helping the most people possible.
A win-win.
$97 one time and you have access to Roadmap AND TIMELINE for life, including the updates and upgrades we do along the way.
And remember, that price DOES include my personal review of your plan.
I want to make sure you don't have ANY questions, so here is how the personal review works.
This is a proven process, one I have used with hundreds of private consulting clients such as ...
Bill Gaw - Traveled The World On Charlie's Copywriting ...
I started my online business in the year 2000, four years after I retired. Charlie wrote much of my Website content and ALL of my sales letters.
Much of our fantastic retirement can be traced to his help over many years.
The business was a success from day one and Charlie's early content is still making sales today.
Rebecca Marina - I Was Skeptical ...
Charlie made some suggestions and on the first go around, my open rate went up.
Then he suggested another tactic and again, I felt hesitant. I decided to JUMP IN AND TRUST!
Boy, am I glad I did! The response to Charlies suggestions has been outstanding.
And...he makes it so simple.
If you have a chance to work with Charlie, run as fast as you can to the checkout.
He backs up everything he offers with GENUINE concern for YOUR success. And...Charlie has the wisdom and years of experience to help you make your online dreams come true.
Mirna Bard - Focused Solely On Higher Conversions ...
My first webinar had over 600+ attendees thanks to the DOE! So I brought Charlie on as an adviser.
By focusing solely on higher conversions, Charlie reviewed the presentation slide by slide, patiently answered all my endless questions, and pointed out mistakes I did not see.
Charlie is extremely generous and knows his sales and marketing!
Lisa Lane Brown - ONE Idea Will 10X Our Growth!
Charlie Page has revolutionized my business and changed my life.
He brings together a brilliant strategic mind, an encyclopedic knowledge of internet marketing, copywriting genius, and technology know-how to create a consulting package that is unparalleled.
If you run your business without him, you do so at your own peril.
That will be up to you. Spending money buying "tools" or more courses are not required in what I teach. That said, and depending on YOUR goals and desires, doing things like buying traffic or establishing a blog might be a good option for you. But they will never be required.
No. Roadmap is about making a solid plan of action so you can stay on track to your goal. While you don't need a list to "do" the course, if you do have a list we will discuss how to leverage that to your advantage as part of your plan.
Of course. At anytime during the first 30 days of your membership you can request a refund if you feel Roadmap is not for you, even if you have had your plan reviewed by me! You are completely safe with this purchase.
That depends on how you take the course. If you "binge watch" the videos you can see them all in a couple of days. But I do not recommend that. I recommend taking about a week to do the course at a more thoughtful pace. But it's up to you!
Also, I recommend you complete Roadmap first and then move on to Timeline once you have taken action on the suggestions I make in the review of your plan.
It does not include ongoing mentoring. My consulting sells at $500 per hour and I always sell out. It does include my personal review of your plan and my notes and suggestions. Once you receive my review you can reply and ask questions about your plan and the review.
Roadmap is not a "make money now" product and I am not guaranteeing you will make any money as a member of Roadmap.
In my experience, the #1 thing that stops people from making money online is their desire to make money now without having a sound plan of action.
The result is they hop from one "opportunity" to another, never achieving success. Roadmap is designed to solve that problem by helping you create a plan you can follow while avoiding the distractions of the get rich quick crowd.
Use the courses for a full 30 days on me. If you are not completely satisfied just let me know and I will refund every penny you paid no questions asked, even if I have already reviewed your plan!
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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.
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